Sir D. Galton's Review Of The Progress Of Science Was
rather painstaking than attractive, and the addresses of the Presi- dents of the different sections are hardly of the " popular ' kind, though doubtless there will be deep......
The Week Has Been One Of Intense Excitement For Those
who love yacht-racing, owing to the telegrams as to the race between the' Defender' and the' Valkyrie,' with which the papers have been filled. The first of the "best out of......
Mr. W. T. Thiselton-dyer, Director Of The Royal Gardens,...
in his address on botany, was, as regards one point, a little pessimist as to the future of physics. He does not quite see where the men devoted to scientific inquiry are to......
The Last Days Of The Trade-union Congress Were Devoted To
obliterating the impression of practical good sense which had been created by the determination to make the Congress truly representative of Trade-Unionism. An attempt to......
There Is Little Fresh Information In Regard To The Execution
of the trader Stokes; but the more the case is examined, the clearer it becomes that the officers of the Congo Free State acted ultra sires. We believe that a full investigation......
The Times Of Saturday Publishes From A Correspondent An...
attempt to analyse the Trade-Union Congress and show what it really represents. According to the last census returns, out of a total population of 37,732,922, the " industrial......
On Wednesday The Meeting Of The British Association At...
was opened by the usual presidential address delivered by Sir Douglas Gallon, who, to use Lord Kelvin's words, has been " for a quarter of a century the mainstay of the British......
Fortune Is Very Constant To Lord Rosebery On The Race-
course. After winning two Derbys, he has this week won the St. Leger with Sir Visto,' his opponents being all rather second-rate horses. One wonders if success of that kind is......