A Curious Example Of Voluntaryism In Religion Is Reported...
Ireland. The parish of Killannin, Galway, was some three years ago transferred from the diocese of Tuam to that of Galway. The inhabitants indignantly protested, headed by their......
Lord Windsor Presided This Year At The Meeting Of The
Library Association, and made a speech the drift of which is that men have always read fiction, and that the fact of their reading it now is no proof that public libraries are......
The Republique Franpaise Of Monday Quotes From The _figaro A
paragraph which shows that French uneasiness in regard to Colonial expenditure is spreading. The Figaro declares that the French Soudan alone has cost 93,000,000 fr., or nearly,......
The Westminster Gazette Of Wednesday Quotes A Delightful...
by one of the speakers at the meeting of the Catholic Truth Society held in Bristol on Tuesday. A pious Catholic once visited Westminster Abbey. Withdrawing into a quiet corner......
Mr. W. T. Thiselton-dyer, Director Of The Royal Gardens,...
in his address on botany, was, as regards one point, a little pessimist as to the future of physics. He does not quite see where the men devoted to scientific inquiry are to......
Cardinal Vaughan On Monday Attended The Annual Con-...
the Catholic Truth Society at Bristol, and made a speech which had at least the merits of sincerity and out- spokenness. To his mind, " reunion " implied submission to the......
On Tuesday Renter Published, "from An Authoritative...
account of the route to be followed by the Uganda railway. The first one hundred and forty miles will be made across a plain where neither cuttings nor embankments will be......
Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent.
New Consols (24) were on Friday, 101.......
Protests Against The Laws Which In Most Parts Of The
Con- tinent prohibit or limit Sunday labour, have been frequently recorded; but they have usually proceeded from freethinkers, who consider those laws interferences with......
The Election For Limerick Shows That The Parnellite...
increased there. The Anti-Parnellite candidate, Mr. O'Keefe, who in 1892 carried the seat by a majority of 388, has now saved it by a majority of only 87, the figures showing......