[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPZCIATOR."] Sin,—In the article in the Spectator of August 31st on lobsters it is mentioned incidentally that a lobster may be killed instantly by a penknife instead of being boiled alive,— a death even less cruel than that which I have heard of, roasting alive. Now there must be so many persons to whom the more humane method is unknown, but who would only too• gladly avail themselves of it if they did know it, that I cannot but think that you would do a real and important service to- humanity if you would give so full and clear a description of the process as to make it plain to all cooks and fishmongers..
[Amateur lobster-catchers off the Isle of Wight coast kill the creature by spiking it through the shell at what looks like the back of the head, but which is, we believe, called the. thorax, with a strong-bladed clasp-knife.--En. Spectator.]