The crime enrages Americans even more than it would enrage
the subjects of a Monarchy. The devolution of power is no doubt easy, as Mr. Roosevelt would if Mr. McKinley had died have become President at once; but Americans are proud to think that their institutions and their prosperity forbid the generation of murderous political hatreds. The assassination is a rude shock to their self-esteem, and they are ardently discussing means for restraining the spread of Anarchy. Some propose to expel all Anarchists, others to declare the profession of subversive opinions a criminal offence, and others to imprison all known Anarchists. None of these things are likely to be done ; but Anarchist writing may be made libel, known or suspected Anarchists may be refused entry, and the vigilance of the police in all States may be . considerably increased. It should be remembered that each State makes its own criminal law, and that the general Government cannot act, except indeed by framing treaties to increase the facilities for extradition when foreign Sovereigns are threatened. As regards the Presidents, they are protected like other men by the death penalty for murder, and by a vigilant police, which even in this instance almost surrounded Mr. McKinley. No vigilance, however, not involving imprisonment will guard a conspicuous man from an enemy careless if he loses his own life.