A Squirrel Story.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sra, — If you are still open to animal stories you will perhaps receive the following. Some weeks ago, while guest in a country house near......
MUNICIPAL MACHIAVELLIANISM.* TROUGH a good deal of the life history of his hero is imbedded in the pages of Mr. Lewis's extraordinary book, it is not so mach a biography as the......
Starlings In New Zealand.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—It may interest you to hear that the starling keeps up its reputation here as a "mocking-bird," and like a good Colonist adapts itself......
Children At The Antipodes And The Heir To The Throne.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] St,—Several weeks have elapsed since the Royal celebra- tions in Melbourne, but I trust the world-wide interest which has been taken in the......
ANTICIPATIONS. Set down in this golden September one day By one who has been in the country since May. WE'RE still in the season Of sunshine and leisure, Yet blithe as we wander......