A _report On The Oasis Of Siva. By T. B.
Hohler. (Cairo.)— Mr. Hohler visited the oasis of Siva (otherwise Siwah) in the summer of last year. The oasis, which lies somewhat less than two hundred miles inland, was......
The Story Of Books. By Gertrude Burford Rawlings. (g....
1s.)—Miss Rawlings is not quite so much in command of her subject as some of the contributors to the "Library of Useful Stories" have been. We have, for instance, plenty of......
We Have Received The Annual Volume Of Proceedings Of The
Aris- totelian Society (Williams and Norgate, 108. 6d. net). This volume contains fourteen papers, among which we would single out for mention "On the Aspect Theory of the......
St. Gilbert Of Elempringham And The Gilbertines. By Rose...
(Elliot Stock. 'Is. 6d.)—Gilbert of Sempringham came of a knightly family. He received a clerk's education because he was of a misshapen body, and unfit for war. He took Orders,......
School-books.—we Have Received In The Series Of "black -...
Classical Texts" (W. Blackwood and Sons, is. acl. per vol.), under the general editorship of Mr. H. W. Auden, Virgil: iEneid, V., VI., edited by S. J. Basil Wynne Willson, M.A.......
Woodland, Field, And Shore. By Oliver G. Pike. (r.t.s....
Pike's book is chiefly about birds and butterflies, acids very pretty book it is. It is not the less interesting because some of the localities which are described in it are by......
Thoughts For The Sundays Of The Year. By H. C.
G. Moule, D.D. (R.T.S. 35. 6d.)—Books of devotion are, for the most part, outside criticism. We will only say that there is no living theologian who is better qualified to write......
Notes For A Bibliography Of Edward Pitegerald. By Colonel W.
F. Prideaux. (Frank Hollings. 6s. net.)—Colonel Prideaur probably knows as much about his subject as any man living, and the reviewer has little to do but thank him for an......
We Gladly Welcome The Ninth Half -yearly Volume...
Country Life (G. Newnes, 21s.), a weekly magazine which con- cerns itself de re rustica. In this subject many things, serious and sportive, are included. There is agriculture......