pro THE Eorroe OP TEE " SPECTATOE."1
Sin —The Spectator is so well informed on most 'questions dealing with the politics of the East and of Turkey that I . • feel it to be somewhat of a presumption to differ from any of its deliberate conclusions. But perhaps you will allow me to give very, briefly my reasons for drawing a different conclusion from yours in this matter
(1) The Sultan is under the Sacred Law, and cannot risk war without the sanction of the Sheikh-ul-Islam ; and that sanction is never given except on the assurance of the Sultan that he has forces enough to prevail against his adversary. This, by the way, is an incidental proof that the Sultan is not regarded even in Turkey, as the Khalif, for the Khalif is the highest exponent of Mussulman law. The Khe1ifate is now in commission, and is exercised by the Ulema, of whom the Sheikh-nl-Islam is the legal organ.
The opposition of the Turkish Press and the Sheikh-id-Islam to submission to the claims of France is artificial, got up by the Sultan. Let France send a squadron to seize the Customs at Smyrna, and the Sultan will yield befon the squadron has reached its destination.
France and Germany, until they have made np their quarrel, neutralise each other in the sphere cf foreign politics. Neither will venture to engage in war with , Great Power without an alliance with some other Gm:4 Power. The Sultan, therefore, need not look fo,. from Germany, and Russia will not quarrel with Frac; for so slender a stake.