Sts,—The more publicity the fox-hunting case at Cairo (Sieitator; September 7t11) receives the better I shall be pleased. I would suggest, however, that before your readers rush blindfold into print about it they should await the pub- lication, promised by Lord Cranborne, of a Parliamentary Blue-book on the subject. It cannot long be delayed. When this appears they will find that even on the officers' own showing their case is not as stated by your anonymous Cairo correspondent who takes up the cudgels for them, but as given by me in my letter printed a month ago in the Standard, Daily News, and elsewhere. They will also find that my subsequent correspondence with Lord Lansdowne disposes of all the points raised, including the bogus tale of my having had Greeks or Italians tied up and flogged in my presence at Sheykh Obeyd.—I am, Sir, &c., WILFRID SCAWEN BLUNT.
[We shall indeed be surprised if the Blue-book substan- tiates Mr. Blunt's charge of cowardice against the officers. That charge is the thing that really matters in what is other- wise only a hunting and trespass squabble. If men who show great self-control in dealing with angry and excited natives are to be derided as cowards by Mr. Blunt and persons who agree with him, relations between the white and dark races in Egypt will certainly not be easy to manage in the future.— ED. Spectator.]