14 SEPTEMBER 1901, Page 2

The Czar arrived at Dantzig on his way to France

on Wednesday, and was received on board the 'Hohenzollern' by the German Emperor, who proposes to entertain his guest with a review of his Fleet. The meeting is said to have been most cordial, and German, Austrian, and Russian papers are full of its probable consequences. Count von Billow and Count Lamsdorff are both in attendance, and it is supposed that matters of serious importance may be discussed. That is, of course, possible, especially as both are keenly interested in China ; but it must be remembered that both are also strongly desirous of preserving the peace of Europe, and both have a preoccupation — Anarchism — which presses hardly upon their minds just now. Explanations will doubtless be given as to the visit to France, but the Sovereigns will probably avoid the two Alliances as two great squires dining with each other would avoid the subject of a lawsuit pending between them. They may discuss the threatened tariff war, which is greatly dreaded in Southern Russia ; but we do not anticipate any sensational result from the interview, unless it be in the shape of an increase of pressure both on Great Britain and the Union to regard and treat Anarchists as enemies of the human race. The countries differ so much in instincts as well as Constitutions that the effort to bring them into line may be difficult and pro- ductive of some sharp discussion.