The war news is on the whole good this week.
We .give below the figures as to the captures and surrenders made up to September 9th. As regards the details of the fighting, we can chronicle a series of successful actions by Lord Methuen, who defeated Delarey between September 2nd and 5th. Lord lkiethuen's prisoners are included in the weekly list, but since then there have been several important captures and surren- ders, including the surrender of Mr. Kruger's youngest son, T. Kruger, Who with Captain Ferreira came in on Wednesday. When other leaders note that these two prominent persons were determined not to run the risk of banishment they will, we cannot but believe, also think it wise to choose the path of prudence. It would be characteristic of the Boers, how- ever, not to surrender till the last hour of the last day. On Wednesday a despatch was published from Lord Kitchener giving details of the captures during the week beginning September 2nd and ending on the 9th. -The total reported is 681, composed of "67 Boere . killed, 67 woundfid, 384 prisoners, 163 surrenders'; also 179 rifles, 65,211 rounds small-arm ammunition, 371 waggons, 3,400 horses, 19,000 cattle, and various other stock captured." That is certainly a good week's work as far as prisoners are concerned, but it is to be feared that a good portion of the cattle are captured
over and over again. If not there must. be a great many more cows in South Africa than was ever suspected.