[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOB.."] SIR,—The appeal for £10,000 made a short time ago has met with a most encouraging response. Already £1,3S7 has been given and £1,599 promised, making a grand total of £2,986. A large public meeting will be held early in October, when the Mission will be definitely launched and fuller details announced. Notwith- standing the continuous effort to discount the proposal, evidence of the need of a Protestant Mission is overwhelming. Among the urgent reasons is the necessity of skilled medical assistance, and the Protestant Mission will be composed of seasoned men who know Peru, and will include a fully-qualified medical man ; .27,000 is still required for the purchase of a hospital-boat for the neces- sary medical equipment. This will give unhindered opportunities of work amongst the natives, and will enable the workers at once to proceed to a district in which atrocities are reported. The Rev. Edward T. Reid has consented to give his services in connexion with the secretarial work of the Mission, and may be addressed: 8 and 9 Essex Street, Strand.—I am, Sir, &c., A. STUART McNiaas-, General Secretary.
Evangelical Union of South America, Essex Street, Strand.