Chains. By Edward Noble. (constable And Co. 6s.)—mr....
writes well of the sea, and this story is no excep- tion. Also he usually has an ulterior purpose. For strong stomachs there may be no harm in seeing his terrible pictures of......
A Little Of Everything. By E. V. Lucas. (methuen And
Co. Is. net.)—Mr. Lucas is the most prolific and happiest of writers. Sometimes, one thinks, he must be the happiest of men. He does and sees everyth:ng that one wants to do and......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not boos reserved for review in other forms.) The Life of General Booth. (T. Nelson and Sons. 7d. net).—This is a......
Readable Novxts.—betty Harris. By Jennette Lee. (methuen...
6d.)—A slight but pretty tale of Greek emigrants in Chicago and a kidnapped child.—G olden Vanity. By Maisie Bennett. (Mills and Boon. 6s.)—The pruning knife was lacking in this......
LONDON LAVENDER.t THERE is a peculiar quality about these "entertainments" of Mr. E. V. Lucas which gives rise to a good deal of unthinking criticism. He disregards all the......