14 SEPTEMBER 1912, page 14

From Religion To Philosophy.

[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Is not " Gamaliel" (in your issue of August 10th) making, to some extent, the very mistake made also by many ecclesiastically minded......

• Character-giving.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] SIR,—It is even more important to servants looking for a new situation that they should have trustworthy information as to the character of......

Robertson Of Brighton.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.'1 Sin,—As I heard Frederick Robertson preach when I was a child, in 1851, I wish to bear my testimony to his wonderful eloquence. I have never......

The Mighty Monosyllable.

[To THE EDITOR OE THE " SPECTATOR.'] SIR, — The article in your issue of August 31st on the use and effect of the "Mighty Monosyllable," by "J. F. R.," makes interesting and......

Dokebiie Servants Wanted.

After 21 years' service, — —recommends comfortable Situa- tion as Cook-General, in small family. Good wages, regular hours, very little washing, and considerate mistress.—Apply......

[to The Editor Of Tee "spectator."] Sre,—in View Of The

second paragraph of your article in last week's issue, on "Character-Giving," the enclosed advertise- ment in yesterday's Daily Telegraph is rather interesting.—......

Anglican Intolerance.

[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR:] SIR,—For some weeks during last year I was under surgical treatment in a nursing home attached to one of the great hospitals in London. It......