DECLINE OF Gnotatraa.—The erection of Cadiz into a free port
by the Spanish Government has turned out far more injurious to the commere of Gibraltar than the merchants expected. A letter says—" This place is but the shadow of itself. The streets are quite deserted, and nothing to be seen but notices of houses to be let. Rents have fallen within the last year full fifty per cent. and some more. The stores are empty, and are likely to remain so. Whatever stocks were on hand have been sent to Cadiz, and many persons have gone from hence to establish there, where, by all accounts, considerable business is doing."
TRADE OF THE UNITED STATES.—The commercial world over the globe seems paralyzed. The distress is great here, and many manufactories on a large scale, with the proprietors and stockholders, have failed, and are entirely ruined. All business is confined to the wants only of the day, teaching a necessary absolute economy, which men of business in times past have not been accustomed to.-- Zeiler from Boston, July 7.
BLOCKADE OF ALGIERS—Letters from Toulon report the ultimatum of the Day of Algiers, who demanded an indemnity of 6,000,000 of francs to cease all hos- tilities against the French ; and that 3,000,000 offered had been refused.
The French brig, Allen, one of the blockading squadron, having got on the coast in a storm, had no alternative to save herself except by entering the port of Algiers, or running a-shore, where the crew would have been massacred by the Bedouins. The captain took the resolution to enter the port in full sail, and received the fires of all the batteries. After having destroyed several ships in the port, a land wind sprung up, when the Allen got out, with the loss of fourteen men.
The Dauphin and Dauphiness are residing at Rouen, in the enjoyment of great popularity.
MUNICH, August 4.—The young Empress of Brazil left us to-day at noon, with her suite in eight carriages. Her Majesty will first stop a few days at Manbehn with the Grand Duchess Stephanie, and then proceed to Ostend, where all those who are to accompany her Majesty to Brazil must be by the 16th inst. The fri- gate which conveys her to Brazil will touch at Plymouth, where she will have an interview with the Queen Donna. Maria de Gloria, who remains in England at least for the present.