The Army.
WAR.OFFicE, Aug. 10, 1529.-let Reg. Dragoon Guards : Cor. H. S. Thompson, to be Li eu t. by purchase, vice Dick, who retires ; Hon. W. D. Irby, to be Cur. by purchase, vice......
East India Shipping. Friday Evening.
Some anxiety is felt in consequence of the non-arrival of the Company's Ship Rose. She left Bengal on the 22d March, was seen by the Coldstream near the Mauritius on the 24th......
The Church.
The Rev. Dr. Burton was installed Canon of Christ Church, Oxford, on Saturday last —The Rev. J. Manley, M.A. a Wadham College, is presented to the Rectory of Upton Hellion,......
From The London Gazettes.
Tuesday, August 10. PARTNERSHIPS DissossvEn. - T. and C. Atkinson, Upper Stamford-street, archi- tects-Bell and Hodgson, Solihull, Warwickshire, maltsters-Glover and Dixon,......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
Brains.--On the 6th inst. at Edinburgh, the Lady of Capt. Basil Hall, R.N. of a daughter-On the 8th inst. at Fintray-house. Aberdeenshire, the Hon. Lady Forbes, of Craigievar,......
London Markets.
20s. 8d tOats . ...... 12s. 3d. 1 Beans I4s. Barley • ..• ,• • 13 10 I Rye •••• • •• •■•• t 11 5 Nazi •e. ...... 41 CORN EXCHANGE, FRIDAY, Ann. 14. Our supplies of Grain in......