Decline Of Gnotatraa.—the Erection Of Cadiz Into A Free Port
by the Spanish Government has turned out far more injurious to the commere of Gibraltar than the merchants expected. A letter says—" This place is but the shadow of itself. The......
News Of The Week:
THE intelligence from France is this week more than usually interest- ing. By a royal ordinance, dated St. Cloud, August Sth, the Ministry has been changed. The shiftings of......
There Has Been Some Hard Fighting Between The Russian Troops
in Asia, under General Paskowitsch, and two corps of Turks ; in which the latter were defeated, and their commander in chief taken prisoner. At the period of the last accounts......
The Irish Government Has Published A Proclamation Which...
parted great contentment to Orangemen, without dissatisfying thei r opponents. "Dublin Castle, 5th Aug. 1829. " Whereas, it bath been represented to the Lord Lieutenant, that a......
The Money Market.
STOCKEXCHANGE, SATURDAY MORNING.—The news from Paris on Monday, of a change of Ministers and a considerable fall in the French Funds, caused a considerable sensation in our......