For some years now The Dublin Magazine has not only
weathered the difficulties attendant on the production of a quarterly in a small country, but has kept a high standard and maintained a distinct personality. One cannot help feeling that if British readers realized the quality of this scrupulously edited magazine, its circulation would rapidly be trebled. Its format is attractive, the type is bold and large, the price only half-a-crown the issue. The current number is well up to standard. The contributors include Padraic Colum, Austin Clarke, L. A. G. Strong, and Vincent O'Sullivan, who is repre- sented by an interesting article, "Literature in France." There are two short stories : one, "The Chestnut Trees," by Dermot Freyer, of unusual quality ; a bibliography of Padraic Pearse ; poems ; and a number of excellent book reviews. The editor, Seurnas O'Sullivan, well known to all who care for poetry, has done his country a second service in keeping alive this quarterly, which, since the lamented death of The Irish Statesman, remains the one mouthpiece for a section of Irish Liberal opinion.