Two New Marking Schemes Of The Right Sort Are Being
carried through in the North, whither our social world is now itself migrating. One is centred in the Orkneys, and concerns fish. Thanks to such stalwart workers as Mr. Nall......
Profitable Rough Borders.
Twice of late in the wall gardens of country houses I have come upon broad patches of flowers grown for sale. In one, summer chrysanthemums and pyrethrums were held to be the......
Ringed Grouse.
As the fate of a jest, however good in itself, "lies in the ear of the listener," so the success of these marking schemes lies as much with the receiver as the producer. It is......
Country . Life
MARKED MIGRANTS. The marking of animals in order to trace their movements is being extended in new directions. It would be good news if these new lines of activity would divert......
A Scented Musk?
Can the new world "redress the balance of the old" in the following small particular detail. A letter reaches me from G. F. Richardson, South Pender, B.C., Canada, containing......
Golfers And Mole Drains.
narrow a slit is made at the surface of the soon it levels itself. Golf secretaries as may be urged to "think mechanically." It is a favourite theory of some of us that the......
After Much Searching The Second Nest Of The Sandpipers Was
found. They had built, this time well above the river's most extravagant excesses, in the grass under a large dock, the leaves of which hung down and made a good screen. But......
An Eccentric Snipe.
May I put a query to migrationists about a bird whose movements have long seemed to me peculiarly" eccentric " (an adjective especially applied to snipe by the mediaeval monks......