Another Unruly Tudor [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]...
Tudor of whom " Moth " wrote in the Spectator of June 27th is not the only one of that name and alleged lineage I have known to be fined for causing an obstruction. In my......
The R.s.p.c.a. And Hunting [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]
SIR,—Your correspondent Mrs. Binstead refers to a pamphlet by the late Mr. Walker King in which he advises that the Exmoor deer should be kept down by shooting with a rifle as......
As Thrang As Throp's Wife.
In reply to the query in last week's Spectator, the above is an old saying, current generally in the North Country. In Northumberland they say (or did say) "As flirting as......
A Charter For Walkers
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] S1R,—I am not as sure as I would like to be when the author of" A Penny of Observation " is being sarcastic at my expense, and when he is......
"advice To An Editor" [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]
SIR,--I trust that you will not allow yourself to be influenced by the cynical verse of Jan Struther. Without in any way detracting from the excellence of the rest of the paper,......
An Age Limit For Horses [to The Editor Of The
SPECTATOR.] Sin,—Your correspondent who appeals for an age limit for the sale of working horses brings up again the question of our treatment of worn animals—one, unhappily,......
Bishop And Archbishop.
Your two correspondents and many others on this issue may like to be reminded of a saying of a French wit that "the early Church ate Bread and worshipped God but the later......
Points From Letters American Slang. • Among Points From...
in your issue of July 11th appears an extract from a letter from Mr. Edgar R. McGregor, of Wheeling, W. Va. regarding American slang. I am always ready to enter the lists in......