Mr. Disraeli gave notice on Thursday that he would intro-
duce the Scotch Reform Bill on Monday night, thus opening the real campaign of the Session. He intends to propose that seven additional Members be conceded to Scotland, the seats being secured by increasing the total number of the House from 658 to 665. Mr. Gladstone, while admitting that Scotland is entitled to more representation, declines to enlarge the House, and prefers that the seats should be taken from English pocket boroughs. As this opens up the whole subject of redistribution, Mr. Disraeli threatened at Edinburgh to make the amendment a Cabinet question ; and if he does, he will probably carry his Bill, as the Scotch Members must vote for it, and the country is very little interested in the matter. The Householder Parliament, if it "begins to " redistribute " electoral power, will do it on a much broader scale ; and as there cannot be a dissolution this year, it may be expedient to await its resolve.