15 FEBRUARY 1868, page 19

Current Literature.

Review of the Work of Mr. John Stuart Mill entitled "Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy." By George Grote. (Triibner.)— This review (republished from the......

Lamps, Pitchers, And Trumpets. Lectures Delivered To...

Ministry on the Vocation of the Preacher. By Edwin Paxton Hood (Jackson, Walford, and Hodder.)—Undor an extremely affected title, and in a book of intolerable size, Mr. Hood has......

Little Miss Fairfax. By Kenner Deena. Three Vols....

confess to having skimmed through this novel with much pleasure, and are ready to recommend it to others for the same process. Parts of it are unmistakably good, but the author......

The Governor's Daughter.*

AS a general rule, the novels which appear in the columns of periodicals published by religious societies are less remarkable for animation than for staidness, and evince a......

The Betrothed ; A Nation's Row. By Dr. W. E.

Guthrie. (Edinburgh W. P. Nimmo.) — We fully agree with the first friend to whom Dr Guthrie showed this singular production that it is unmitigated rubbish, and we congratulate......