A Good Story Of An American Republican's Bitterness Of Heart
towards Mr. Johnson is going about. The legend goes that our new Ambassador, Mr. Thornton, before his departure for the States, having praised Mr. Johnson's firmness to the......
Sir Robert Carden Writes To The Times To Explain Why
he recently sent 51 beggars to prison in one week. He says 4 men and 12 women were cripples, 8 men and 4 women were idiots or incapables, 7 men. and 5 women so bad in character......
About 500,000/. In Gold Withdrawn From The Bank And Nearly
the whole of our imports of bullion have been taken for the Con- tinent. Nevertheless, the market for Home Stocks ruled steady, at, mostly, full prices, until yesterday......
The Oxford Convocation Has, We Are Happy To See, Rejected
a proposal to present a sum of 350/. to an institution styled, by its friends, "The University of the Southern States of America." The very ambiguous and very disputable title......
It Appears That A Society Called The "north Of England
Council for the Higher Education of Women," have "resolved -that it is desirable to institute examinations in which women above eighteen years of age may obtain certificates of......
A Writer In The Times Has Called Attention To What
younger members of the Bar have long felt to be a pressing grievance. The Inns of Court are supposed to provide a library and a dining. room for their members. The library is......
Spanish New Turkish 6 Per Cents., 1858 „ 1862... United
States 5.20's • •• • •• •• • •• • •. Friday, Feb. 7. Friday, Feb. 14. 161 ... 16 361 ... 331 61f ... 63 Si ... 61f 0. 721 ... 72f......
Archdeacon Denison Has Proposed His Educational Plan, In...
held at Willis's Rooms on Wednesday. As far as we -understand his scheme, which was not clearly explained, it was in favour of help from Government,—not local rates,—for all......
Mr. Bryant The Poet, And Proprietor, We Believe, Of The
New ork Evening Post, who has always been a good free-trader, has been expounding to his countrymen in New York the inconsistency of which they are guilty in cherishing free......
Great Eastern...
Great Northern ... Great Western ... Lancashire and Yorkshire London and Brighton ... London and North-Western London and South-Western London, Chatham, and Dover Metropolitan......