Archdeacon Denison has proposed his educational plan, in a meeting
held at Willis's Rooms on Wednesday. As far as we -understand his scheme, which was not clearly explained, it was in favour of help from Government,—not local rates,—for all reli- gious schools and non-religious schools,—without conscience clause and without conditions. Thus the only remedy for children whose parents objected to their being taught Archdeacon Denison's peculiar views on the Real Presence, would be that their parents should get a Government grant for a new school for them, as soon as they had defined their religions or non-religious principles. This can scarcely be a serious proposal. Unconditional Govern- ment help for ten separate schools where one school would be enough, would be a system of blind thriftlessness, fostering bad schools, and many of them, and would render compulsion Impos- sible.