A considerable decline has occurred this week in Government Securities, commencing on Monday ; and although a slight rally occasionally intervened, no signs of a permanent reaction were visible until yesterday, when Consols for Money, after being that morning as low as 90t, recoyered rapidly through purchases by the late operators for a fall, and left off It 94. The political news has caused some uneasiness, particularly the construction of the intel- ligence from Austria in countermanding the entry of her troops into Lesser Wallachia since the receipt of the Russian reply to her summons. Much dis- appointment is also expressed at the apparent delay of active operations by the Allied Powers. The public have abstained from purchasing ; and there has been a good supply of Stock to meet the payment of the 1,0002000/. debentures of the East Indian Railway Company, as well as the further payment Of 20 per cent on the first 2,000,000/. of Exchequer Bonds. Money has consequently been much in request in the Stock Exchange, at 4 to 5 per cent. A decline this week of more than 2 per cent in French Stocks, and also the'unsesson- able weather, has influenced prices. The Corn-market, however, is dull; and the accounts from the agricultural districts are satisfactory. There has been little alteration in the Continental exchanges, but the French rate is unfavourable : 42,200/. which arrived from Geelong yesterday will be pur- chased for transmission to Paris, and large amounts of Australian gold would also have been forwarded if there had been a supply on the market. The gold by the New York steamer on Monday amounted to 57,0001.; a decline in the rate of exchange, which it is expected will be only temporary, pre- vented a larger sum being sent. Today, the return of unfavourable weather, more than any other cause, has occasioned a decline of I in the Funds : Consols for Money have ranged between 91k and I, leaving off at 91g k and 9la for the Account. Bank Stock is 2 better this week, and India Stock 2 lower. Exchequer Bills have not altered. Exchequer Benda continue at .t to I premium. In Foreign Stocks, the transactions have been limited, but a heaviness has prevailed, and the followinse have declined. Dutch Two-and.a-half, Peru- vian Four-and-a-half and Three per Cents, and Sardinian, 1; Spanish Three per Cents, ; Ditto Deferred, and Granada Deferred, I. Railways have been unfavourablyinflueneed by the state of other markets; and a gradual decline occurred until yesterday, when it was arrested by the improvement in Consols. London and North-Western, which had receded that morning to 1021, were subsequently done at 104. At the close, the difference in some of the leading lines compared with last Saturday's was to the following extent. Increase—Shrewsbury andBirmingham, 31.; 'London, Brighton, and South Coast, 11.; Great Western, 15s. Decrease—Bristol and Exeter, Great Northern, London and North-Western, North British, Ox- ford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, South-Eastern, York, Newcastle, and Berwick, and York and North Midland, 11. ;'Midland, .168.; Aberdeen, 10s..; Caledonian' and Lancashire and Yorkshire 6s. The decline in Foreign, Shares has been—Paris and Rouen 2/._; Northern of Paris anclOr- leans, and Rouen and Havre, 1/1; Paris and Strasbourg, 15.9. ' • Western of France, 10s. ; Namur and Liege, and-Paris and Lyons, 6s. Today the English lines are 5s. lower in several instances. Foreign Shares have not altered.
&MMUS, TW3VVE O'CLOCE• The English Funds present no alteration this morning; Console for Mo- ney and Account are 91a a. Exchequer Bills 1 discount -to'2 premium. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows a decrease of 194,3911. In Foreign Stocks there is nothing doing. Railways are dull : the present bar- gains are these—Great Northern, 89.; Great Western, 79; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 65g ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 107k; York, New- castle, and Berwick, 73. .SETVEDAT, Two o'Clocw• The English Funds have improved about It per cent since the morning, and Consols leave off firm at 92f k for Money and Account. The rise is at- tributed to news from Vienna, stating that Russia. was ,willing to accede to the terms of the protocol of the 9th April to negotiatelor peace. Exchequer Bills are is. higher, being now par to 3 premium. In Foreign -Stocks the only alteration is in Mexican, which is t better, closing at 241 I.
R Railways leave off upon an improvement: these are the latest transactions --Caledonian, 63k; Eastern Counties, 13k; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 59; Edinburgh, Perth, and Dundee, 25; Great Northern, 89; Ditto
74; Great Western, 791- ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 66k; London Si' Blackwell, 8k; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 109; London and North- Western, 104k; Ditto 10/. -Sharer!, M. and B. C., 1k; London and South- Western, 834; Midland, 66,t; North Staffordshire, 13k -,_ Oxford, Weresos ter, and Wolverhampton, 34 ; -South Devon, 14; South-Eastern, 63; 101 Newcastle, and Berwick, 73k; York and North Midland, -54t ; London an Greenwich, 13k ex d. ; Caledonian, 961; Midland Consolidated Bristol and Birmingham Preference 41 per leant, 1 dis. ; Paris and Lyons, 31.Ifi Paris and Orleans, 46; Paris and Strasbourg, 84. Joint Stock Ban= —Oriental Bank Corporation, 47; Union of Australia, 72. Miscellaneous--
Australian Agricultural, 461; Crystal
sian, 1; Scottish Australasian Investment,
Suer Ceat Consols 921 Dit:o for Account 921 3 per Cent Reduced 921 31 per Cents 931 Long Annuities 4,1 Bank Stnck 209 10 Exchequer Bills par 3 pm India Stock 225 9
Austrian 5 per Cents 80 3
Brazilian 5 per Cents 99 101
Be4ian 41 per Cents 89 91
Chilian 6 per Cents 101 4
Danish 5 per cents 101 8
Palace, 5; North British 24.
Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 3 per Cents Peruvian 41 per Cents Ditto 3 per Cents Portuguese 4 per Cents Russian 5 per Cents
Ditto 41 per Cents
Spanish 3 per Cents Ditto Deferred Sardinian 5 per Cents Swedish 4 per Cents 50 2
75 80 58 60 89 91 241 1 66 8 39 41 97 9 81 3 37 8 181 19 84 6 85 7