Mr. Oliver Bradshawe, Whose Love Of His Subject Makes Him
forget time and space, follows up our rapid indication of the character of Lord Pal- merston's diplomatic career by a supplemental bill of indictment. He urges us to extend the......
SATURDAY. The labours of the House of Commons in Committee on the Bribery Bill were resumed last night, and five hours were spent in debating the matters in connexion with the......
Several Telegraphic Despatches Have Been Published This...
places. "Berlin, Friday, July 14. "Sir Charles Napier's fleet retired from Cronstadt on the 4th, on account of the cholera, and joined Admiral Corry's division in Baro Sound,......
The State Of Parliamentary Business For Next Week Will...
some idea of the probable duration of the session. For Monday there are thirty-three orders of the day, and leave is to be asked to bring in six bills. Eleven bills stand for......
Money Market.
STOOK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. A considerable decline has occurred this week in Government Securities, commencing on Monday ; and although a slight rally occasionally......