Mr. Oliver Bradshawe, whose love of his subject makes him
forget time and space, follows up our rapid indication of the character of Lord Pal- merston's diplomatic career by a supplemental bill of indictment. He urges us to extend the list of Lord Palmerston's misdeeds, and to include the following. Lord Palmerston it was who threw Persia, our bulwark against Russia on the side of India, into the hands of the Czar. By the hands of 800 Russian marines, he handed over the Anti-Russian Regency of Greece to the mercy of Russia, on the plea that they were Russian. By suffering without protest the seizure and confiscation of the Vixen, he sacrificed to Russia, so far as he could, the Anti-Muscovite rampart-bar- rier of the Caucasus. Seven days after Europe had regained the freedom of the Dardanelles by the expiration of the treaty of Irnkiar-Skelesai, Lord Palmerston signed another treaty, converting the Black Sea into a Russian lake. To him we owe the Opium war against ,China. In Al. ghanistan he sacrificed fifteen thousand British soldiers, fifteen millions of British money, and the character of England. He garbled Alexander Burnes's papers, to throw the blame on the memory of a man no longer alive. The disaster in Afghanistan, Lord Wellesley observed, could be retrieved "by no blood shed in Afghanistan, but by blood shed on the scaffold at home" ; and Mr. Bradshawe is clear that Lord Palmerston's place should be—not the Council Chamber of Queen Victoria, but the scaffold on Tower Hill !
The public monument, in Kensal Green Cemetery to the memory of Thomas Hood is to be inaugurated on Tuesday next : Mr. Monekton Milnes is to deliver an address on the interesting occasion.