New Musical Publications.
Messrs. Cocks and Co. have earned the thanks of the public for their popular editions of many of our standard oratorios, secular cantatas, and other works, in which choral......
Publications Received.
Booss. Personal Narrative of Exploration and Incidents in Texas, New _Mexico, California, Sonora, and Chihuahua, connected with the United States and Mexican Boundary......
Health Op London During The Week Ending July 8.
[Prom the Official Return.] Ten Weeks of 1844-'33. Zymotle Diseases 2,254 .... Dropsy, Cancer, and other diseases of uncertain or variable seat 448 .... Tubercular Diseases •......
On the 5th July, at Thirkleby Park, Think, Lady Payne Gallwey, of a daughter. On the 6th, at Invery House, near Aberdeen, the Wife of Captain George RanifiaL R.N., H. H. S.......