Several telegraphic despatches have been published this morning from various
"Berlin, Friday, July 14.
"Sir Charles Napier's fleet retired from Cronstadt on the 4th, on account of the cholera, and joined Admiral Corry's division in Baro Sound, after re- connoitering Wyborg." "Vienna, Friday.
" It is positive that from 15,000 to 18,000 men of the Anglo-French army joined at Rustchuck the Turkish forces commanded in person by Omar Pasha ; and that between the 7th and 8th instant, they gamed a considera- ble advantage over the Russians at Giurgevo. It is believed that at the same time the Turks crossed the Danube at Oltenitza."
"Vienna, Friday, July 14.
" Despatches were forwarded to London and Paris a few days since. They state that Russia proposes to accede to the terms of the protocol of the 9th April, as a basis for negotiations for peace, subject to conditions. The West- ern Powers will now have either to decide upon these conditions for peace negotiations, or altogether reject them as too vague and unsatisfactory. This is authentic."
"Bucharest, July 13.
"The Russian outposts have been beaten at Fratesobti. Sixty thousand Turks have landed on the left bank. A pitched battle is imminent at Era- teschti."
"Marseilles, Friday, July 14.
"The India mail left here at one o'clock this afternoon. The cholera is very bad here : there were 106 deaths yesterday, and today there is no diminution."
"Trieste, July 13.
"Accounts from Bombay of the 7th of June state that the /Leer of Ca- hod l had informed the English Government of the increasing influence of Russia in Persia, at Herat, and in Candahar ; and had requested funds to enable him to resist it."
A letter from Cronstadt in Transylvania, dated July 2, notes the daily accumulation of Austrian troops, and other interesting particulars. "On the 29th June, an Austrian patrol on guard at the frontiers having met with a Russian patrol, an engagement took place, it is said, the result of which was that the Austrian corporal was killed and two of the soldiers severely wounded. More serious hostilities are expected in the neighbour- hood of Cronstadt. Military hospitals are being prepared there, and today eighteen vehicles built for the transport of the wounded have been de- spatched to the frontier." The Austrians occupy all the passes practicable fir artillery and ca- valry.
The Emperor of the French arrived at Paris from the North at eleven o'clock last night.