OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, July 10.-Royal Regiment of Artillery-Brevet Major G. Gambier to be Lieut.-CoL vice Sandham, retired upon full-pay ; Second Capt. H. W. Patton to be Capt. vice Gambler; First Lieut. H. P. Yates to be Second Capt. vice Patton; Second Lieut. L. D. Broughton to be First Lieut. vice Yates.
WAISOFFiCE, July 14.-1st or Grenadier Regiment of Foot Guards-To be Cap- tains and Lieutenant-Colonels without purchase-Lieut. and Capt. IL Bradford; Lieut. and Capt. M. Bruce ; Brevet Col. F. Clinton, from halt-pay 230 Light Drags. To be Captain and Lieutenant-Colonel by purchase-Lieut. and Capt. the lion. C. IL Lindsay, vice Clinton, who retires. To be Captain and Lieutenant-Colonel without purchase-Brevet Lieut.-Col. T. S. Conway, C.B. from the 22d Foot, July 15. To be Lieutenants and Captains without purchase-Ensign and Lieut. W. A. H. Barnard, vice Bradford ; Ensign and Lieut. C. Alexander, vice Bruce ; Ensign and Lieut. J. Murray. To be Lieutenant and Captain by purchase-Ensign and Lieut. W. B. Phillimore, vice Lindsay. To be Lieutenant and Captain without purchase- Capt. A. E. V. Ponsonby, from the 62d Bbot, July 15. Coldstream Foot Guards- To be Captains and Lieutenant-Colonels without pur- chase-Lieut. and Capt. D. W. Carleton ; Lieut. and Capt. Lord A. C. L. Fitzroy; Brevet Lieut.-Col. A. St. G. H. Stepney, from the 54th Foot, July 15.; Major J. T. Airey, from the 22d Foot, July 15. To be Lieutenants and Captains without pur- chase-Ensign and Lieut. 11. W. Cust, vice Carleton; Ensign and Lieut. P. S Crawley, vice Fitzroy; Ensign and Lieut. Sir J. Dunlop, Dart.; Ensign and Lieut. G. L. Goodlake; Capt. J. A. Butler, from half-pay Ceylon Rifle Regiment, July 15. Scots Fusilier Guards-To be Captains and Lieutenant-Colonels without pur- chase-Lieut. and Capt. F. Ha) garth ; Lieut. and Capt. the Hon. R. Charteris ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. F. Lushington, C.B. from the 37th Foot, July 15; Major L. L. Montgomery, from the 80th Foot, July 15. To be Lieutenants and Captains without p_urchase-Ensign and Lieut. F. Baring, vice Haygarth; Ensign and Lieut. S. L. W. D. Darner, lice Cbarteris ; Ensign and Lieut. R. F. W. Childers; Ensign and Lieut. NV. Wheatley ; Capt. E. R. Wetherell, from the 1st Foot, July 15; Capt. A.
C. Greville, from the 21st Foot, July 15. To be Adjutant-Lieut. and Capt. IL F'11. Drummond, vice Stephenson, promoted. 22d Foot-Major J. T. Airey, from half-pay Unatt. to be Major, vice Conway, pro- moted in the Grenadier Guards.
Brevet-- Capt. J. L.A. Simmons, of the Royal Engineers, Lobe Major hi the Army ; Brevet Major J. L. A. Simmons, of the Royal Engineers, to have the local rank of Lieut.-Col. in Turkey; Lieut. and Capt. J. A. Butler, of the Coldstream Guards, to be Major in the Army. The name of Lieut. Nasmyth, of the Bombay Engineers, is recorded to have the Brevet rank of Major, when he shall have been promoted to the regimental rank of Captain.
WAR-OFFICE, July 14.-To be Captains, without purchase-lot Regt. of Foot- Capt. W. B. Northey, from half-pay Coldstream Guards. 7th Foot-Capt. IL Ed- monds, from half-pay 60th Foot, repaying the difference. 9th Foot-Capt. C. Pear- son, from half-pay Coati. 13th Foot-Capt. T. L W. Freeman, from 1mill:ray Uinta. 15th Foot-Capt. C. J. L. Colville, from hallepay Unatt. 16th Foot-Capt. W. Ward, from half-pay Unatt. 88th Foot-Capt. G. Schreiber, from half-pay 18th Light Drags, 44th Foot-Capt. T. Warrington, from half-pay 76th Foot. 45th Foot- Capt. D. Davies, from half-pay Unatt. repaying the difference. 51st Foot-Capt. C. T. Pattenson, from half-pay Rifle Brigade. 55th Foot-Capt. H. Connop, from half- pay Cape Corps. 60th Foot-Capt. F. S. Hepburn, from half-pay Unatt. 72d Foot-Capt. C. Cox, from half-pay 87th Foot, repaying the difference. 79th Foot- Capt. G. Newbery, from half-pay 44th Foot. 89th Foot-Capt. It. H. 0. Hoey, from bail-Pay Unita, 90th Foot-Capt. the lion. R. Hare, from half-pay Unatt.
3d Viet India Regt. -Capt. J. J. Greig, from half-pay Unatt. vice Brahasen, ap- pointed to the 17th Foot, Rifle Brigade-Capt. R. P. Ice, from half-pay Unatt. Brevet.-Captains to be Majors in the Army-T. Warrington, 44th Foot, C. Cox, 730 Foot, C. T. Pattenson, 51st Foot, D. Davies, 45th Foot, G. Newbery, 79th Foot, G. Schreiber, 38th Foot, T. 1. W. Freeman, 13th Foot, W. B. Northey, lst Foot,
H. Connop, 55th Foot, C. Pearson, 9th Foot, HOD. R. Hare, 90th Foot, 11. Edmonds, 7th Foot, F. .1. 6. Hepburn, 60th Foot, B. P. Inca, Rifle Brigade, J. J. Greig, 3ct West Indialtegt•
Brevet Majors to be Lieutenant-Colonels in the Army-T. Warrington, 44th Foot, C. Cox, 72d Foot, C. T. Pattenson, 51st Foot, D. Davies. 45th Foot, G. Newbery, 79th Foot, G. Schreiber, 38th Foot, T. I. W. Freeman, 13th Foot, W. B. Northey, let Foot, H. Connop, 55th Foot, C. Pearson, 9th Foot, Hon. R. Hare, 60th Fotit, H. Edmonds, 7th Foot.
Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel to be Colonel bathe Army-T. Warrington, 44th Foot.
Wee-orrice, July 14.-2d Reed. of Life Guards-Major and Lieut.-Col. and Bre- vet Col. L. D. Williams to be Lieut.-Col. and Cal. by purchase, vice M'Douall, who retires ; Capt.; and Brevet Lieut.-Col. F. M. Martyn to be Major and LieuL-CoL by purchase. vice Williams ; Lieut. J. G. C. Hamilton to be Capt. by purchase, cite Martyn ; Cornet and Sub-Lieut. A. Congreve to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Hamil- tom 24 Drag. Guards-Assist.-Surg. 0. Smith, from the 48th Foot., to be Assist.- Burg. vice Forteath, promoted on the Staff. 3d Drag, Guards-R. Norwood, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Neave, promoted. 6th Drag. Guards-H. A. Wight, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Formby, who retires. 3d Light Drags-Cor- net J. P. North, from the 15th Light Drags. lobe Cornet, vice Preston, promoted; A. Salter, Gent. to be Assist-Sung, vice Reid, resigned. 4th Light Drags.-Asaist.- Burg. R. O. Crichton, M.D. from the Ceylon Rifle Regt. to be Assist.-Surg. vice
Massey. promoted on the Staff. 9th Light Drags-J. Goldie, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Grant, promoted. 16th Light. Drags-H. D'A. P. Burnell, Gent.
to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Leonard, whose retirement was announced in the
Gazette of the 21st April. 1st ltegt. of Foot-D. C. Brock, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Muller, promoted ; Lieut. T. AI'lienna lobe Adjt. viceTura
ner, who resigns the Adjutancy only. 2d Foot-A. Watson, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Drake, promoted. 3e1 Foot-R. B. Ilyndman, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Turner, promoted. 4th Foot-Charles Patrick Stokes, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Sheppard, promoted. 5th Foot-E. B. Barnaby, Gent, lobe Ensign, without purchase, vice Templeman, prom. 6th Foot-It, Bolton, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Mansergh, pro- moted. 7th Foot-L. J. F. Jones, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase. 9th
Foot-C. J. Borton, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Nugent, promoted. 15th Foot-R. T. P. Cuthbert, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Moore,
promoted. 18th Foot-C. J. Coote, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice W.
O'B. Taylor, promoted. 21st Foot-T. Bruce, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Gaskell, who retires ; J. H. Patrickson, Gent, to be Assist.-Surg. 33d Foot- Quartermaster-Serg. E. Vyse to be Quartermaster, vice Jones, who retires upon half-pay. 34th Foot-R. Cochrane, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase. 35th Foot-Ensign A. J. C. Warrand to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Warren, who retires;
G. S. Hughes, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Warrand. 37th Foot-Capt.
J. R. Heaton, from half-pay Unatt. to be Capt. without purchase. 41st Foot-Capt. L. Graham, from the 48th Foot, to be Capt. vice Wethered, appointed Paymaster 95th Foot. 46th Foot-P. H. Jones, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Waltly, promoted. 48th Foot-Capt. W. It. C. Spencer, from half-pay Rifle Brigade, to be Capt. vice Graham, appointed to the 41st Foot; Lieut. E. G. Horne to be Adjt. vice Williamson, promoted; W. Hemphill, M.D. to be Assist-Sung. vice Smith, ap- pointed to 2d Drag. Guards. 694 Foot-Assist.-Surg. W. H. Flower, from the De- pot Battalion at Templemore, to be Assist.-Surg. 64th Foot-Lieut. W. J. Charts to be Capt. without purchase, vice Cumberlege, deceased ; Ensign A. Benisson to be Lieutenant, without purchase, vice Charts. 68th Foot-Captain William liervy Fitzgerald, Adjt. of Depot Battalion, to be Capt. without purchase. 78th Foot-E.
K. O'Neill, Geut, to be Assist-Sura. vice 51'Hinnon, promoted in the Rifle Brigade, 79th Foot-Lieut. A. Maitland, to be Adjt. vice Mackay, promoted. 86th Foot- R. C. Lofthouse, M.D. to be Assist.-Surg. vice Todd, promoted on the staff. 88th Foot-Lieut. E. G. Maynard to be Capt. by purchase, vice Brevet Major Sawrey, who retires.
Rifle Brigade-To be Lieutenants without purchase-Second Lieut. H. R. L. Newdig,ate, June 6; Second Lieut. J. B. Yonge, June 6. To be Ensigns without purchase-Ensign C. A. Tallaot, from the 63d Foot, vice Newdigate ; F. Fremantle, Gent. vice Yonge ; G. R. Saunders, Gent. July 15; C. E. Musgrave, Gent. July 16; C. B. Dashwood, Gent. July 17. To be Assistant-Surgeons-J. A. Shorrock, Gent.; J. I. P. Williams, Gent.
lot West India Regt.-C. F. Beamish, Gent- to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Lees, appointed to the 76th Foot. 3d West India Regiment-Ensign T. Hawaiian to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Moorhead, deceased; Lieut. P. W. lin:quail' to be Adjt. vice Moorhead, deceased, May 28.
Ceylon Rifle Regt.-J. J. Thompson, Gent, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Crichton, appointed to the 4th Light. Drags.
Depot Battalion at Templemore-D. O'Donovan, M.D. to be Assist.-Snrg, vice Flower, appointed to the 634 Foot.
• Staff.-Capt. W. M. D. Wiliam half-pay Royal Artillery, to be paymaster of de- tachments at Portsmouth ; Paymaster H. IL. Campbell, from the 71st Foot, to be Paymaster of the Depot Battalion at Ternplemore, vice Bartley, who reverts to hie former half-pay.
Unattached.-Lient. J. R. Wilton, from the 11th Foot, to be Capt. without pur- chase; Lieut. S. Dunning, from the 88th Foot, to be Capt. without purchase.
Brevet.-Lieut.-.Col. F. Graham, of the Royal Marines, to be Aide-de-camp to the Queen with the rank of Col. in the Army, vice Menzies, promoted to be Majors. Gen.; Capt. J. R. Heaton, of the 37th Foot, to be Major in the Army; Lieut.-Col, Sir F. Abbott, C.B. East India Company's Military Seminary at Addiscombe, to have the local rank of Col. in the Army while so employed ; Capt. W. F. Hay, on the Staffat Warley, to have the local rank of Major in the Army while so employed.