MISCELL ANEOIIS. —La Guerra de Sept Av g. Par Richard Waddington.
(Firmin Didot.) —M. Waddington follow's up his work on the foreign policy of Louis XV. with an acconnt of the Seven Years' War. He begins with a careful review .of th€ forces of the two combatants, pointing out the great source of the Prussian superiority, the unity of ,counsel, so different from the division in the Austrian commanders. The present volume carries the story of the operations as far as the end of 1757.— Picturesque Edinburgh. By Katharine F. Lockie. (John Leckie. 3s. 6d.)—This is a book about persons and places in Edinburgh which will be found sufficiently interesting by natives and strangers. It is copiously illustrated with pictures of buildings, portraits, and, now and then, a landscape.— The Arcadians. By H. C. Minchin. (B. H. Blackwell, Oxford. 3s. 6d.)—This is an entertaining set of papers, with a good deal of humour in them, just a suspicion of cynicism, not in the least bitter, and a slender thread of story to keep them together. Master Jack's essay, "Among My Books," is one of the happiest efforts, and Candida is the most charming of the personm, though the " demure " Gussie is not to be despised.