A Bunch Of Cherries. By L. T. Meade. (e. Nister.)—this
story of school life suggests the guess that Mrs. Meade has found a juvenile production stowed away in a drawer, and has given it to the world. It certainly is not up to the......
Company Frauds Abolition. By Richard Russell. (effingham...
Russell success, but we doubt whether he has taken the best means to attain it. His book is scarcely businesslike. He gives the scheme of a law which he would have enacted. But......
We Have Received The First Number Of A Reissue Of
The New English Dictionary (The Oxford University Press, 3s. 6c1.) These numbers are to be issued monthly. It is calculated that half of the whole work will be completed by the......
Local Government And State Aid. By Sidney J. Chapman. (swan
Sonnenschein and Co. 2s. 6d.) —Mr. Chapman examines with much care the various subventions which have been made out of Imperial Revenue to local finanee. He sees differences of......
Dinners And Diners. 13y Lieutenant-colonel Newnham-davis....
—Colonel Newnham.Davia has performed the difficult task of making amusing a book which is all about one subject,—eating. True, it is a subject which interests every one of us......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been reilerved for recitio in other forms.] Social Phases of Education in the School and the Home. By Samuel T.......
Cricket Records : With A Commentary. By A. C. Coxhead.
(Lawrence and Bullen.)—" Records," it must be understood, is used in the technical sense of the best, or, it may be, the worst, example of its kind. It would be a "record" for......
Physics, Experimental And Theoretical. By R. H. Jude,...
partly from the French of H. Gossin. (Chapman and Hall. 12s. 6d. net.)—This first volume treats of mechanics, hydrostatics, pneumatics, heat, and acoustics. Dr. Jude explains......
The American - Spanish War : A History By The War -...
and Bird. 10s. 6d. net.)—General Woodford, who was Spanish Minister to the States, writes the inttoduction. The quarrel of Cuba against Spain is related by General Garcia, the......