Drviurrv. — The Message And Position Of The Church Of...
Arthur Galton, BA. (Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co. 35. 6d.) —Mr. Ghlton argues the case of the Anglican Church against ROme and Puritanism with considerable force. In doing so he......
Two Commissions : A Brief Memorial Of Digby Henry Dent.
By his Sister-in-Law. (Marshall Brothers.)—D. H. Dent was an officer of Marines, who was appointed to a post in the Straits Settlement Prison. There he met With his death, being......
Company Frauds Abolition. By Richard Russell. (effingham...
Russell success, but we doubt whether he has taken the best means to attain it. His book is scarcely businesslike. He gives the scheme of a law which he would have enacted. But......
Miscell Aneoiis. —la Guerra De Sept Av G. Par Richard...
(Firmin Didot.) —M. Waddington follow's up his work on the foreign policy of Louis XV. with an acconnt of the Seven Years' War. He begins with a careful review .of th€ forces of......
Magian Vass.—in Black And Red. By E. Sharwood Smith. (w.
Andrews and Co. is. net.)—These are distinctly clever verses, though the Cambridge allusions will not be intelligible to all readers. "To Chailticlere," " Ebeu Fugaces !" where......