In an admirable broadcast • message to the United States
the Prime Minister said that the bonds of war —that is to say warlike preparations—can never be the security of peace. The Times says that M. Briand; who is .undoubtedly a " good European," hopes that even if the Conference " fails " it will leave " all doors open." M. Briand is apparently thinking of a Five Power Treaty in London as-still possible, but one quite different from what was originally contemplated. The treaty which he hopes to resent' from the wreck would comprise all the technical points on which there was unanimous agreement.. Such . a document, he kilo:gin-es, :would be a useful preparation - of the ground for - a - Disarinament Conference at Geneva. There is one card which Great. Britain might play with effect and without doing injury to even the most technical conception of naval " security,"- and that is a proposal, in conjunction with the United States and Japan, to abolish • capital ships. ..