With The Secrets Of The Budget Undisclosed, And With Trade
depression pronounced in many • countries, it is not surprising that Mr. Courtauld adopted a cautious view with regard to the future, the more so as allowance has to be made for......
(continued From Page 458.)
" 9AFE8UARDING." So far as the past year is concerned, his predictions have been fulfilled very literally. Thanks to excellent organization and to the past conservative policy......
Legislation And Business.
Referring more especially to the actual conditions of the industrial position as they exist to-day, Mr. Courtatild said :- Those who adhere rigidly to the old Free Trade school......
Hongkong Bank Report.
When allowance is made for the extent to which the sterling figures have been affected by the depreciation in Chinese currency, the annual report of the Hongkong and Shanghai......
Law Land.
Both as regards earnings and financial strength, as revealed in the balance-sheet, the latest report of Law Land Company, Limited, is a good one. The rental for the year was......