The delay in the distribution of the Republic of Ireland Loans is held responsible by Mr. De Valera for the difficulties which he is encountering in his present campaign to raise capital here for a newspaper proposed to be published in Ireland under his editorial direction. Mr. De Valera arrived in the United States shortly before Christmas, and it is no secret that he expected to complete his mission and be back in Ireland long before this. He is still here, and the capital has still to be raised. Of the two hundred thousand pounds required, a little more than half had been subscribed in Ireland and about $140,000 here before he sailed. He counted upon obtaining the balance of about $350,000 without much difficulty by persuading the American subscribers due to share in the loan distribution to come once more to the aid of the Republican cause by transferring to the newspaper company part at least of the money to be distributed. Failing, so far, to raise the capital, Mr. De Valera is now appealing to holders of loan bond certificates to assign their interests in the distribution to him. Circulars are being sent out, bond- holders being canvassed personally, and Mr. De Valera is to address a series of mass meetings between now and April. Although he has met with more difficulty than he anticipated, he expresses confidence in the ultimate success of his efforts. Those who do not sympathize with his cause are less optimistic. As they point out, since the establishment of the Irish Free State Mr. De Valera has ceased to enjoy the undivided support even of those who subscribed to the Republic of Ireland Loans. * * * *