May I, as a car driver of sixteen years' experience,
who covers from 15,000 to 20,000 miles each year, be allowed to thank " M." for his article on dangerous tyres in your issue of March 1st ? His views, which I entirely endorse, should be broadcast up and down the land. He has put his finger on possibly the most acute danger-spot of all. To drive with worn-down treads should be made not only a legal offence, but one visited with really severe penalties. I also notice that most motorists are far more particular about their back than their front tyres. This is a great mistake. Not only is a front-wheel skid by far the more dangerous, but a front- tyre burst is more than likely to end in a fatality. Quite seriously I believe that, were all smooth treads made the number of road deaths would be reduced by fifty per cent.— C. ARMSTRONG GIBBS, Crossings, Danbury, Essex.