Father Ronald Knox is a trained theologian and expert controversialist.
It was therefore to be expected that he would have little difficulty in exposing the absurdities and inconsistencies of those popular writers who have lately con- fessed their religious opinions in the daily press. His new book, Caliban in Grub Street (Sheed and Ward, 7s. 6d.) is entirely devoted to this somewhat thankless task. Certainly Mr. J. D. Beresford's notions of deity, Sir A. Conan Doyle's Christology, and Mr. Warwick Deeping's opinion of hell, do not err on the side of subtlety ; but a bucket of cold water is not the only way of dealing with smoking flax. There is something unpleasing about the sustained note of contempt with which these honest if undistinguished utterances are here discussed. We are reminded of a group of earnest but muddle-headed undergraduates being trounced by a super-
cilious don. * * * *