We would extend a most cordial welcome to a new
quarterly journal Indian Affairs, edited by Sir Albion Banerji and pub- lished by Messrs. Edson (8 Essex Street, W.C. 2) at 5s. It is well-planned, well-printed, well written, and sane and temperate in its discussion of the contacts between East and West. The key-note is struck in the concluding sentences of an editorial article : " India has been tutored by Great Britain, and now that she, is learning to utilize her marvellous wealth and resources in the interest of her own teeming population, England must not seek to retard this development, but if England is expected to make some material sacrifice for India, it behoves India also, in appreciation of her debt to England, to make some sacrifice to sentiment. Both must be willing to sacrifice the present for the sake of the future." Indian leaders in every province, irrespective of party, have welcomed the idea of the journal. All of us who have the welfare of India at heart and are willing to learn what she wants (so far as those wishes can be ascertained) rather than what we think she ought to have, will be well advised to study this thoughtful publication. Lord Irwin writes to Sir Albion wishing him all success.
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