General Knowledge Questions
Ouft weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questions submitted is awarded this week to Mr. J. D. Locker, 4 Rue Nag Hamadi, Heliopolis, Egypt, for the following :- Q- uestions on Three 1. Give the names of the three Fates (Classical).
2. The Ancient Egyptian Trinity.
3. Three Cardinals who were famous Statesmen. 4. Three books about three.
5. The three Episcopal Imperial Electors. 6. Three famous nineteenth-century Italians.
7. Three well-known Old Testament women whose names begin with J. 8.ih-ree men in classical mythology who had to endure eternal punishment.
9. Three who held the bridge against Lars Porsena. 10. The three who figured in the Defenestration of Prague and were unhurt.
11. The that throe of the Society of Jesus. 12. What Christian sign is of three letters ?
13. What three things are necessary in dealing with vampires ? Answers will be found on page 450.