15 MAY 1830, Page 7

BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. Brains.—On the 10th inst. at Apsley

Hall, Nottingham, Lady Lotronnon 0 tr Off, of a son—At Cove, Cork, Lady CHARLOTTE BERKELEY, of a son—At Bath, the Lady of THOMAS UPTON, Esq. of a son and heir—At Dunolly, that Lady of Captain MAC DOUGALL, R.N. of Mac Dougall, of a daughter—On the 4th inst. at Keliihvortli, the Lady of the Hon. CHARLES CLIFFORD, of a daughter—At Whippineham, Isle of Wight, the Lady of the Rev. J. 1). WARD, of a son—On the ith inst. at Mere Vicarage, Wilts, the Lady of the Rev. STEPHEN HYDE CASSAN, M.A. 10-S.A. of a daughter— On the 13th inst. in Eaton Place, the Lady CAROLINE CALCRAFT, of a daughter. MARRIAGES.—At Weymouth, JAMES BRYMER, Esq. to HELEN, third daughter of Sir William Lewis George Thomas, Bart.—On the 11th inst. at 13ridport, Dorset, GEORGE SYMES, Esq. M.D. only son of John Symes, Esq. George Street, Plymouth, to MAI' v, third daughter of the Rev. Robert Broadley, rector of Briglport and of Cattistock, Dorset —On the 12th inst. at St. Peter's Church, HENRY JANSON, Esq. IO CAROLINE, third daughter of Captain Elliott, R.N. Elliott House, near Ripon—At Florence, .roux BACK- NER, Esq. of the Rifle Brigade, second son of Colonel Backner, of Wyke House, C'hi- chester, to ELIZA, second daughter of Colonel the Hon. William H. Gardner—un the 6th inst. at the residence of the English Minister, at Berne, EDWARD ROMILLV, third SOD of the late Sir S. Romilly, to SOPII/A, youngest daughter of the late Dr. Marcet- On the 11th inst. at Have, near Brighton, DAVID SURGES, Esq. Captain in the 62d Regiment, to Emz.4. CHARLOTTE, youngest daughter of the late Colonel James Cambell Mitchell—At Mary-le-bone Church, the Rev. FREDERICK GEORGE Bp n NAB Y, B.A. of Cahn College, Cambridge, son of Colonel Burnaby, of Rotberby Hall, in the county of Leicester, to ANNA MARIA, daughter of John Atkins, Esq. M.P. of Halstead Place, Kent,.and of Wimpole Street—At Shimpling, Suffolk, the Rev. Ar.sx:t NOES. PASRE, of Needham, to IsAsELLA, third daughter of the Rev. Thomas Fiske, Rector of the former place—By special license, at the Duke of Beaufort's, in Grosvenor Square, the MAR- QUIS Of CHOL3IONDELEY, to LADY SUSAN SOMERSET, fourth daughter of the Duke of • Beaufort.

DEATHS.—At Hampton Court Palace, the Right Hon. FRANCES, LADY LAVINGTON- At her apartments, in Hampton Court Palace, after a long and painful illness, LAVINA, the wife of Lieutenant-Colonel Cottin, deeply deplored by her family—At Overbury, inn Worcestershire, PENELOPE, widow of late James Martin, Esq. M.P. for Tewkesbury —At Calcutta, JOHN RYCROPT BEST, Esq. Judge at Jessore—In Connaught Place, agent 14 months, the infant daughter of Sir ROBERT and Lady WIGRA3I—On the 9th inst. at Park Road, Blackheath, Mr. JAMES RowLEY (late of Eltham), in the 80th year of his age—On the 10th inst. at Cheltenham, HENRY Join' Ross, Esq. of Jamaica—On the 6th inst. at Chesne, near Geneva, Catherine, the Lady of the Right lion. Sir Ja.uss MACKINTOSH,