Canada.—the Governor, Sir James Kempt, And The...
this session on uncommonly good terms. Sir James grumbles at the parsimony of the Legislature, but promises to husband well the sums that have been voted. In this country we......
East India Shipping. Saturday Morning • Arrived.—at...
Hopeful, Mallors, from the Cape ; ]:;th, Neptune, Cumberledge, from Bengal and Madras ; 14th, Barbara, Dunn, from the Cape. III the Downs, May 13th, Caroline, Fewson, from......
Dn. Chalmers.—the Celebrated Dr. Chalmers Is Now In...
give evidence before the Parliamentary Committee on the Poor-laws. He is to preach to-morrow morning at the National Scotch Church, Regent Square, which is expected to be......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths. Brains.—on The 10th Inst....
Hall, Nottingham, Lady Lotronnon 0 tr Off, of a son—At Cove, Cork, Lady CHARLOTTE BERKELEY, of a son—At Bath, the Lady of THOMAS UPTON, Esq. of a son and heir—At Dunolly, that......