Dn. CHALMERS.—The celebrated Dr. Chalmers is now in London, to
give evidence before the Parliamentary Committee on the Poor-laws. He is to preach to-morrow morning at the National Scotch Church, Regent Square, which is expected to be crowded on the occasion.
Mr. OWEN.—This gentleman has invited the clergymen now in town to attend his lecture at Almack's, with a view to a future friendly conference, in which be promises to answer all queries that they may see fit to put to him touching his peculiar tenets.
A SPECIMEN OF THE BAIL.—A barrister named Flanagan, who prac- tises in the Palace Court, was last week assessed in 501. damages fur a libel
on a gentleman named Clements, the proprietor of an academy at Stoke Newington. Mr. Clements had been charged, at the Palace Court, with whipping one of his pupils after a fashion which the barrister termed " cruel, brutal, and ignominious torture." He applied by his attorney to Mr.
Flanagan, to ascertain if the expressions which appeared in the Times of 2d of November last had been used by him ; and in the answer to this let-
ter, Mr. Flanagan, by way of mending the matter, told the attorney that
Clements was a " lying ruffian." The defence by Mr. Denman was the necessity that existed for giving correct reports of cases heard in courts of
law ;" a very good defence for the reporter, we admit, but a very poor one
for the libeller ; and so thought the Jury. When Sir James Scarlett was replying to Mr. Alexander, of the Morning Journal, he commenced his ha- rangue with--' Gentlemen of the Jury, here is a specimen of an editor."
We beg to introduce Mr. Flanagan to the Attorney-General with a similar recommendatory notice—" Here is a specimen of a lawyer." Let Sir James, when next he seeks to mend the manners of the press, bethink him of the manners of the bar, and it is probable his zeal for our refinanation may he somewhat mitigated.
JEWISH PRAYER FOR THE ROYAL FAMILY—We have already cor- rected the mistake which supposed that it is an extraordinary occurrence in
the Jewish service to offer prayers for the King. A correspondent favours
us with a copy of the ordinary prayer for the Royal Family. " He who dispenseth salvation unto Kings, and dominion unto Princes, whose king- dom is the kingdom of the whole universe, who delivered his servant David
from the sword of destruction, who maketh a way in the sea, and a path in the mighty waters; may he bless, preserve, guard, assist, exalt, aggran- dize, and raise to the highest state, our most gracious Sovereign Lord, King
George, and all the Royal Family. May the King of all kings, through his mercies, grant him life, preserve him from all sorrow and grief; save him
from all danger, subdue nations under his feet, cast his enemies down be-
fore him, and cause him to be successful wheresoever he mass tend. May and the Supreme King of kings, in his mercy, inspire his heart ad those of his
counsellors and nobles with benevolence towards us and all Israel. IrChis days and ours, may Judah be saved, Israel dwell in comfort, and the Re- deemer come unto Zion. 0 may this be the Divine will ! and let us say
Amen." ...„ RaviEws.—On Wednesday Lord Hill reviewed the 7th Dragoon Guards, four reserve companies of the 82d, and the 75th at Canterbury. The 75th is shortly to proceed to the Cape of Good Hope.
USELESS REPRESENTATIVES.—A correspondent of the Herald remarks, that when a Commission to pass any bill or bills comes down to the Lords, the Commons are ipso facto, without regard to the numbers present, constituted
into a House by the message to attend the CommisFion ; and he complains that measures are often adopted in consequence, in Ib that do not con- tain forty members and long before the ordinary I. of meeting. It is
much to he regretted that a great deal of most impel 7. matter is discussed by the Commons when there is not one half of a reg!. douse present. We think that Mr. Hume or Mr. O'Connell, the only ta ,tending members of the 652, would do well on every such occasion to corn; t !lie House ant. The fact is, the irregular attendance of members is going far to render the House of Commons, as a place of business, totally useless ; and it must be amended if it he meant that business shall continue to be transacted there.
INTEREST ON SIMPLE CONTRACT DEBTS.—The following clause has been added to the Bill for the more effectual Administration of Justice in Eng_ land and Wales :—" And be it further enacted, That in all actions for the recovery of any debt or demand contracted after the passing of this Act, it shall be lawful for the plaintiff to recover, in addition to the debt or demand, lawful interest upon the same, to be computed from such time as the same was justly payable, and was duly demanded by the creditor in writing." This is what We have recommended to be enacted with respect to all debts, whether English or Welsh ; and why the regulation should be confined to the Prin- cipality, we confess we do not see any very valid reason. LORD ELDON.—The proposed testimonial to this nobleman has dwindled at length into the foundation of a scholarship at Oxford, to be called the Eldon Scholarship ; and the prospective foundation of another, if subscrip- tions sufficient fir the purpose can be got. The whole sum raised amounts only to 72491. 2s. as is a poor look-out for Toryism, of which the noble and learned Lord, as he is unquestionably the ablest, seems fated to be the last supporter. With every submissign to the subscribers, we think they would have done better to endow a Professorship in the projected King's College ; this would have been as useful and much more necessary applica- tion of the small fund at their disposal.
MaTHEws.—Our excellent friend Charles, is, we are sorry to observe by the advertisement, affected with a severe hoarseness ; in consequence of which he was unable to appear last night. He expected to be better by Monday : we hope he will, for we cannot afford to want him long at this season.
bliss Fanny Kemble is to be presented by the proprietors of Covent Garden with another benefit night, in acknowledgment of her valuable ser- vices.
Dowton has been playing at Manchester to empty benches. When the curtain drew up, one night, the money taken at the door was short of twenty shillings ; so the manager returned it, and shut the house.
W. v. IL—A declaration and all the subsequent steps were set aside in the Common Pleas the other day, because the plaintiff had unfortunately used an H instead of a W. The defendant was a Mister Wookey, and the blundering attorney had called him Mister Hookey. This was blind hookey after a new fashion.
WHo IS OUR FAIR FRIEND ?—A Paris journal says, "it maybe asser to that Princess Matilda Charlotta of England, the daughter of the Duke of • Sussex, and niece to the King, has returned to the Catholic religion." PRUDENT ADVICE.—Emigrants to the United States should provide themselves with gold. They should not burden themselves with luggage.— Morning Herald. BEHIND TILE FAIn.—A letter from Mr. Stapylton appears in a Morning Paper of last Thursday, praying, through the medium of the press, whose liberality he invokes, that means may be adopted for procuring an adjourn- ment of a meeting held at York last Tuesday