15 MAY 1830, page 8

The Morning Journal.

OUR contemporary, or rather our late contemporary, has finished its career. We hardly know whether we should congratulate or condole with its proprietors. It has, we believe,......

The End Of Burley-bottom.

OUR readers cannot have forgotten the notable expedient devised by the ingenious editor of the Morning Journal, for reviving the hearts of the Tories of the metropolis—the......

Punishment Of Forgery.

THE petition from Edinburgh against the inflicting of capital punish-. ment in the case of forgery, was presented on Thursday by Sir JAMES MACKINTOSH. We are happy to observe......

Topics Of The Day.

THE TEA TRADE—DEMURRAGE. THE monopoly of the East India Company will be found the less de- fensible the more it is investigated. Departures from principle are sometimes......