15 MAY 1915, Page 1

A warning was certainly necessary, as several vessels had already

been torpedoed off the Irish coast. No escort wan supplied by the Admiralty. Mr. Churchill explained that it would be impossible to send destroyers to escort all the vessels, averaging two hundred a day, which enter and leave British ports. We sincerely hope that there will be no foolish attempt to stampede the Admiralty on this question. We must trust our naval experts. Ws suppose that the points where shipping is thickest are patrolled, or can be patrolled, but to weaken our main force in nursing merchantmen would be madness. Happily our merchant captains know this, and ask for nothing but freedom to look after themselves in their own way. The spirit of British passengers is also beyond praise. It is evident from what the shipping offices say that for men and women who have to cross the ocean the one motto is "Carry on."