15 MAY 1915, page 2

General Botha Has Had A Notable Success In German South.

West Africa. He has occupied the capital, Windhoek. He found the town undamaged and three thousand European residents remaining in their homes. The great -wireless station was......

Enver Pasha, The Turkish Minister Of War, Has Taken The

barbarous course of sending British subjects and French citizens from Constantinople to Gallipoli, which is being bombarded by the Allies. Sir Edward Grey has informed the......

The Lesson Is Clear. We Wish To Heaven That It

could be learned quickly. We wish that we could bear much more talk of high explosives than of aliens. We wish that the Government would array the strength of the nation so that......

All The Doubtful Points About The 'lusitania' Will Be...

up at the inquiry which is to be presided over by Lord Mersey. Was the reason that she was too early for the harbour tide sufficient for slowing down in the danger zone? Was it......

The Third Section Of The Battle Is The Fortunate One.

We offer the French our hearty congratulations on their progress. On Wednesday night they carried by assault the whole village of Carency and the wood north of the village. The......

On The Eastern Front The Russians, With Their Accustomed...

them a retreat never seems to bare a demoralizing effect—are recovering from the German successes of last week. Since our last issue the Germans have entered Liban, but the......

American Anger Was Not Removed By The Note Which The

German Government sent to America on Tuesday. In this Germany says that submarine commanders have been instructed not to harm neutral vessels, and that if such vessels should be......

The Tremendous Fighting On The Western Front Continues,...

battle may not be ended for several days. The posi- tion at present is that the Germans have made no real progress anywhere, while the French advance has been a brilliant......

But The Fight At Ypres Is Only One Part, As

we have said, of a threefold battle. On our right we have attempted an advance from Larentie and Reuse Chapelle, along the Aubers Ridge towards Lille. Oar attack began last......

President Wilson's First Pnblio Utterance After The...

'Luaitania ' was addressed to naturalized Americans. In the course of a speech at Philadelphia on Monday night he said i- " America must have the consciousness that on all aides......