15 MAY 1915, Page 2

On the eastern front the Russians, with their accustomed coolness—on

them a retreat never seems to bare a demoralizing effect—are recovering from the German successes of last week. Since our last issue the Germans have entered Liban, but the Russians are developing their plans to clear their Baltic provinces. On Tuesday night five guns and some hundreds of prisoners were taken from the large German raiding force. In Western Galicia the intensity of the fighting has decreased, and Russian reserves there are being increased. In Eastern Galicia the Russian artillery annihilated two battalions of Austrians and a third surrendered. Near Horodenka, as the Russian official despatch published on Friday morning states, " several thousand prisoners," some guns, and fifty ammunition caissons were taken. The recovery of the Russians has come just in time. The Anstro-Germans have advanced to within seventeen miles of Przemysl, but on the other band the Russians are again advancing towards the Bukowism.