15 MAY 1915, page 16

Dr. Holland Rose's " Origins Of The War."

rTo EDTPOR OP vas esexcerreasi Stn,—I have been reading, with great satisfaction and the respect due to so eminent a master of history, Dr. J. Holland Rose's Origins of the War.......

Birds In The Battle Area.

[TO THR EDITOR OP TIER "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—A few days ago I noticed a letter in the Spectator written by some one who was concerned as to the welfare of the birds in the battle......

Ronald Poulton.

[To TER EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—Lieutenant R. W. Poulton Palmer, Royal Berkshire Regiment, the Times describes him as, and adds that he was probably the greatest Rugby......

Irish Friends, Peace, And Enlistment.

[To TER EDITOR Or THI "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The fact that since the present awful war commenced several of its younger members had enlisted in the Britisk Army caused the Yearly......

"another Fight To A Finish."

PTO THE EDITOR Or MI "SPOCTATOR."1 SIR,—Some time ago you kindly inserted a letter from me appealing for support for the circulation of a pamphlet with the above title intended......

The Dangers Of Freedom.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—Decades of wealth, power, and prosperity have made the male population of these islands adverse to discipline, and the appeal to help......