15 MAY 1915, Page 2

The tremendous fighting on the western front continues, and the

battle may not be ended for several days. The posi- tion at present is that the Germans have made no real progress anywhere, while the French advance has been a brilliant episode. There are three main sections in the battle. At Ypres the Germans are hammering away incessantly, without, however, ever making anything but temporary impressions on our line. Their attack at this point is intended to divert attention from the Anglo-French movement towards Lille and Lens. It has not succeeded in this respect, and there is every reason now to believe that it will succeed no better in the next few critical days. The road to Calais is still firmly blocked, and the Germans have not been able to repeat the surprise success they won by means of poison-gases. The British line, which bad just been disentangled when we wrote host week, has, in short, held firm in its re-formed positions.