15 MAY 1915, Page 1

All the doubtful points about the 'Lusitania' will be cleared

up at the inquiry which is to be presided over by Lord Mersey. Was the reason that she was too early for the harbour tide sufficient for slowing down in the danger zone? Was it desirable to follow the usual course in the suspected presence of submarines P To answer these and similar questions we must know what the Admiralty instructions were, and we must not say a word in advance that would seem to impute blame to any one concerned. Meanwhile satis- faction at this tragedy, and even rejoicings, have been general in Germany. The German Ambassador in Washington has sickened the American people by offering his heartfelt sympathy to the President. The German Government explain that they were not responsible for the loss of American lives, as their submarine warfare is the only possible answer to the British attempt to starve the German people, and they had warned Americans not to travel in British ships. The American people are tired to death of snob casuistries. They simply tell themselves that the deliberate killing of non-combatants at sea is in any circumstances a violation of every custom of war and of every law or regu- ktion ever put into writing.