15 MAY 1915, Page 1

There were 1,906 persons on board, including the crew of

651, and the survivors number 772. Those who perished either by drowning or by the explosions were thus 1,134. Among the Americana lost were Mr. A. G. Vanderbilt, Mr. Charles Frohman (the well-known theatrical manager), Dr. F. S. Pearson, Mr. Justus Miles Forman, Mr. Elbert Hubbard, and Mr. Charles Klein (the playwright). Among the British passengers Sir Hugh Lane was drowned and Mr. D. A. Thomas was saved. Captain Turner went down with the ship, but was afterwards picked up. At the time of the disaster the 'Lusitania' was steaming about eighteen knots. In the House of Commons on Monday Mr. Churchill stated that the Admiralty had aent a warning to the 'Lusitania sad instructions as to her course.